I'm a Girly Girl!

I'm a Girly Girl!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sorority Sista...

Yes, if you know me, you know that I am a Sorority Sista of Kappa Kappa Sigma. In Indiana we have a statewide convention each year in the Spring. This year, my Chapter, Theta, is the hostess chapter. We have been planning this convention for five years - YES, five years! We had a planning meeting last night and I left there very frustrated. Frustrated because for five years we have talked about the same details over, and over, and over again.

This is my blog, so I can vent - right?

Ok, this convention has been broken down into 20 or so sub-committees. We have spent way too much time "fiddeling" with committees who's Chairperson doesn't bother to show up and then sit around and analyze (read O-V-E-R-A-N-A-L-Y-Z-E!) and plan - ONLY to have the committee/chairperson finally kick in and do something totally different. Can you hear the frustration?

I want this convention to be GREAT! I want this convention to be FUN! My rear end is on the line for the decorations (HUGE!) and the arrangements with the Hotel - Holiday Inn Conference Center. Both committees that I chair directly affects all of the other committees.

Any suggestions on working these last few months with people whom I have learned to loathe? And the bigger question is: How do these people keep jobs if they are not able to multi-task and "get the job done?"

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Unfortunately, I have no words of wisdom. I hate working on committes, for just that reason and it seems that most if the work ends up being done by only a couple individuals. I'm sure that, it will turn out great in the long run. But I can understand your frustration! Oh also vent away - it is your blog!