I'm a Girly Girl!

I'm a Girly Girl!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

*!@$%&* - I've Been Tagged....

4 Jobs I’ve had:

  1. Drive Thru at McDonalds (4 years during high school – LOVED IT!)
  2. Administrative Assistant with the March of Dimes – Senior year of high school – went to school ½ day and worked ½ of day.
  3. Set-up and opened Wal-Mart store in my hometown right after returning from College. The store opened just before Halloween and I made the decision I was leaving there BEFORE Christmas! ME NO DUMMY!
  4. Recruiter – 18 years! Man, time flies when you are having fun!

4 movies I watch over and over:

  1. Steel Magnolias
  2. The Wedding Date
  3. The Wedding Planner
  4. Pretty Woman (do you think I am a true Romantic?)

4 Places I’ve lived:

  1. Columbus, IN (hometown)
  2. 2. Vincennes, IN (college)
  3. Edinburgh, IN (right after I was married)
  4. Columbus, IN (lived here 34 of my 37 years)

4 Shows I watch:

  1. 1. House
  2. Project Runway
  3. American Idol
  4. Anything wedding related on TLC – HGTV – WE, etc.

4 places I’ve been:

  1. San Francisco, California – loved it!
  2. New Orleans, Louisiana – for my honeymoon in 1996 – loved it!
  3. Mexico – Yucatan Peninsula – during my Sophomore year of high school (1986) – with 30 other students for 10 days – loved it!
  4. New York City, New York – with my loving husband a couple of years ago – loved it!

4 people who e-mail me regularly:

  1. My best friend, Nicole
  2. My partner at work, Steve
  3. A dear friend, Beth (too many friends to list…)
  4. FlyLady

4 favorite things to eat:

  1. Mexican Food – NOT spicy!
  2. Bow Tie Pasta Festival from Johnny Carino’s
  3. Homemade macaroni and cheese – TRUE COMFORT FOOD!
  4. Pork Egg Fu Yung

4 places I'd rather be:

  1. Riding my motorcycle in the sunshine! (its gloomy and raining today!)
  2. The Caribbean (on a cruise with my honey!)
  3. Aruba
  4. At home in front of the fireplace snuggled up with an excellent book.

4 things I look forward to this year:

  1. Sorority Convention – April
  2. RV Vacation – July
  3. Motorcycle Vacation to South Carolina - August
  4. Family Wedding (Leah) – hopefully in the Fall

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

I also set up and opened a Wal-mart store right after college in 1992. The store opened right before Halloween, but I stayed there for a year and a half. Had I not, I most likely would never have met my future husband. I met him through a friend and that friend I had met through a boyfriend I had met as a co-worker at Wal-Mart. It's crazy to think how one single thing could have totally altered one's life as it currently is.